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D&D Hermit's Guide to Cypher System
There aren't many roleplaying game systems that can handle practically whatever game you want. However, Cypher System by Monte Cook holds...

The Communication Breakdown
One of the most recent of the Dungeons and Dragons team's Unearthed Arcana released a playtest for a bunch of new elf subraces. Among...

Druid Circle: Circle of the Shell
For being totally awesome and helping on this week's D&D Hermit's Guide to Cypher System by making the time for an interview to share her...

The D&D Hermit's Guide to Dungeon World
Dungeon World is a Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) game created by Adam Koebel and Sage LaTorra. As your guide through the wonderful and...

Pass/Fail Sucks and You Can Change That
In Dungeons and Dragons, we use the good ol' twenty-sided die. Unless someone has some kind of bonus like the #blessed spell, or Bardic...

The Unfortunate Truth about Dungeons and Dragons
Preface everything you're about to read with this: I love Dungeons and Dragons. I play it almost every week, and at best multiple times...

You Need a Teacher!-Training Rewards
The 5e Dungeon Master's Guide very briefly glosses over immaterial rewards, or at least rewards that are not magical items, gold, and...

Sorcerous Origin: Fireheart
Taking a break from the weapon theme to introduce a new sorcerous origin that hopefully scratches the pyromancing itch. Fireheart Magic...

Improved Armory- Part Two: Weapons Reforged
On Tuesday, we looked at what constitutes a weapon, an example of how two weapons can be different, and how roleplaying games have...

Improved Armory: Part One- Know Your Weapon
I have already covered weapons in RPGs a good number of times, but always in a very narrowed topic, such as two-weapon fighting,...
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