Sorcerous Origin: Fireheart
Taking a break from the weapon theme to introduce a new sorcerous origin that hopefully scratches the pyromancing itch.

Magic doesn’t resonate within you- it burns within you. You don’t cast spells- they erupt from you. Heat and fire are your comfort zone. Whether you were blessed by some powerful fire elemental, are the descendent of a powerful pyromancer, or the flames of the hells burn within you, you have a heart and soul of fire.
At 1st level, you gain the ability to start fires with a touch. As an action, you can magically ignite a flammable object you touch with your hand—an object such as a torch, a piece of tinder, or the hem of drapes.
Pyromancer’s Gambit At 1st level, you learn the produce flame cantrip. In addition, you learn a number of new ways to manipulate fire. You gain the following features:
Focused Flame. You may spend your bonus action focusing you heat of your fire energy. The next fire spell you cast deals extra damage equal to your Charisma modifier. You may spend 1 sorcery point as you do this to increase the extra damage by an amount equal to your level.
Fire Blast. When you hit a single creature with a spell that does fire damage, you may immediately spend your bonus action to deal damage to each creature within 5 feet of the original target equal to your Charisma modifier. You may spend 1 sorcery point as you do this to instead damage each creature within 10 feet of the target.
Smoke Screen. After you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you may use your bonus action to leave a thick haze of smoke in a 5 foot radius around you, heavily obscuring the area. The smoke lasts until the start of your next turn. You may spend 1 sorcery point as you do this to instead increase the radius of the smoke to 10 feet.
Wreath of Flame
Starting at 6th level, the resonance of spells with your fiery nature protects you against harm. You gain resistance to fire damage and do not suffer exhaustion while in extreme temperatures. Also, when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals fire damage, you emanate an aura of flame until the start of your next turn. While this aura is active, you are immune to fire damage and have resistance to cold damage. Any creature that damages you with a melee attack while this aura is active takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Smoke Step Beginning at 14th level, you vanish and reappear in bursts of smoke. As a bonus action, you can turn into a cloud of smoke and embers, and move 30 feet as part of that bonus action, returning to your normal form after your movement. While you move this way, you are treated as though you were under the effect of the gaseous form spell.
Infinite Inferno
Even when you are devoid of all other magic, the fire inside you remains. Starting at 18th level, you may cast burning hands and scorching ray at their lowest level at will. PDF:
Art: Pyromancer's Swath, Hideaki Takamura, Wizards of the Coast