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Hang-ups about Homebrewing
To Brew or Not to Brew: That is the Question Yesterday I got a chance to talk with my good friend, GMing accomplice, and personal...

Food in RPGs: Interesting Feasts
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and thank you for your continued support of this blog! In the Thanksgiving spirit, let’s talk food and...

Clash and Combat:
Combat in tabletop games has often been a thing of some contention in the gaming community. Combat can go awry very quickly and plenty of...

Establishing Harmony in the Party
A friend of mine raised a question that I think is not often addressed. This is a common issue at the table for a lot of DMs. How do you...

Breaking Down Two-Weapon Fighting
Two Weapon Fighting has been a recent issue in D&D 5e, the standard rule requires that you take the Attack action with a light weapon and...

Multiclass Mashup
The hanging issue with D&D 5e is that it still is in the stage where we are looking at an uneven spread of available archetypes and they...

Magic and Multiclassing
Our first issue within multiclassing and magic rests in the concept that there is an uneven spread of ability scores within spellcasting....

Classes and Characters: Faces to the Features
Sometimes we forget that our characters shouldn’t feel like only numbers on a page. I learned this thanks to my favorite character that I...
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