Simple Geometry- Way of the South Wind Monastic Tradition

Here is today's second monastic tradition. That's right, Hanzo mains get a bit of love today as we introduce a monastic tradition created for those that like bows, dragons, and above all else, honor.
Monastic Tradition: Way of the South Wind Not every monk focuses purely on hand to hand combat. There does exist a monastic tradition that teaches the art of the bow and to commune with the spirits of wind, bend the wind itself, and eventually call on the mighty spirit known as the Dragon of the South Wind. Kyūdo Your style of martial arts includes bows in its training. When you choose this Monastic Tradition at 3rd level, shortbows and longbows count as monk weapons for you. In addition, you gain three new ki features:
Steady Aim
You may spend 1 ki point as a bonus action, to add your Wisdom modifier to your next ranged attack roll.
Long Shot
When you make a ranged weapon attack, you may spend 1 ki point as part of your attack to double the normal and long ranges of your weapon.
Bend the Wind
You may spend 1 ki point when you make a ranged weapon attack, to arc your ranged attacks around corners. You may target a creature within a number of feet within range of your weapon without it being in line of sight. You may only cause the ranged attack to change direction once in order to target a creature. Echoing Arrow
Starting at 6th level, as a bonus action you can use spend 2 ki points to embue an arrow with your own senses, guided by spirits of air. When the arrow hits a target, you can perceive all creatures within 30 feet of that arrow as though you had blindslight. If you hit a creature with your Echoing Arrow, as long as the arrow is attached to the creature, the center of your blindsight moves with that creature.
Scatter Arrow Beginning at 11th level, you may spend 3 ki points as an action, to fire an arrow imbued with mystical energy that shatters and ricochets on impact, hitting up to six creatures within 60 feet of each other. Each creature you target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save each creature in the area takes 4d8 piercing damage, or half as much on a successful save.
Dragon of the South Wind Beginning at 17th level, you can call on the fury of a might dragon spirit. As an action you may spend 5 or more ki points to cast lightning bolt. For every 2 ki points you spend, increase the spell’s level by one. You may spend a maximum of 9 ki points this way.
Now you guys can restore your honor too! Let me know what you think!