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Experience Tranquility with the Way of True Enlightenment

Today's first of two archetypes is based around one of the most dangerous support characters in Overwatch, Zenyatta. I feel that this archetype captures not only Zenyatta's flavor in Overwatch's lore, but also his mechanics as best as I could, while adding a little extra based on what Zenyatta's abilities are supposed to be. Without further ado:

Way of True Enlightenment Monks who set themselves upon the path of True Enlightenment are adept at manipulating the base forces of the cosmos: Harmony and Discord. A monk of true enlightenment eventually transcend the bonds of their mortal form to become an bastion of tranquility and enlightenment amidst the chaos of creation.

Invoke Harmony

Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 ki point to imbue a creature other than yourself that you can see within 120 feet with the essence of harmony. While under this effect, the creature regains 1d6 hit points at the end of its turn. This effect lasts as long as you can see the creature for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you can no longer see the creature, or are incapacitated before the end of the duration, the effect ends at the beginning of the target’s next turn. At 6th level, you may spend 2 ki points on this ability to increase the hit points regained by 1d6. This limit increases again at 11th level, (3 for 3d6 hit points), and again at 17th level (4 ki points for 4d6 hit points). Invoke Discord

Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 ki point to imbue a creature you can see within 120 feet with the essence of discord. While under this effect, the first time in a turn when that creature takes damage, it takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. This effect lasts as long as you can see the creature for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you can no longer see the creature, or are incapacitated before the end of the duration, the effect ends at the beginning of the target’s next turn. At 6th level, you may spend 2 ki points on this ability to increase the extra damage by 1d6. This limit increases again at 11th level, (3 for 3d6 damage), and again at 17th level (4 ki points for 4d6 damage).

Orbs of Destruction Beginning at 6th level, you can summon the raw force of the cosmos in the form of destructive blasts of energy. As a bonus action, you may spend 2 or more ki points to cast magic missile except when you cast the spell, the missiles are not automatically fired, instead they orbit around you. When you take the Attack action, rather than making an attack, you may fire one or more of the darts as normal. Also, when you spend a ki point to use Flurry of Blows, you may instead fire up to two darts as long as you have one available per attack granted by your Flurry of Blows. For every ki point you spend beyond 2 you spend you cast magic missile at one level higher. The maximum ki points you can spend this way are equal to half your monk level (rounded down).

Shield of Nullification

Your mastery of cosmic forces allows you to harness the essence of nothingness to shield yourself from harm. Starting at 11th level, when you complete a short or long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to your monk level. While you have these temporary hit points you have advantage on saving throws against spells.

Transcendence As you reach enlightenment you can transcend your mortal form for a time to bring tranquility and peace to your allies amidst the chaos of battle. Starting at 17th level, as an action, you may adopt a transcendent form of being. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to all damage, and have advantage on saving throws.

  • You can’t take any actions or bonus actions.

  • You gain a hovering fly speed equal to twice your movement speed.

  • During your turn, you can restore 70 hit points divided however you choose to any number of friendly creatures (including you) within 30 feet of you.

At the end of your turn, you may choose to end this effect. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Find the PDF here:

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, or on Twitter @Archmage_Derek! Tranquil gaming, everybody!

(Art: Blizzard Entertainment)

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