The Weeks Ahead- Overwatch and D&D Collide
As you guys may or may not have noticed. I didn't post anything over the weekend that I planned to. Without my usual set up and schedule posting and creating PDFs at the basic level like I do is a bit harder as the computer I normally work from has the latest programs that help neaten the process. The Duelist base class in its final and simplified form is coming along but are not at all done yet, probably needs another few days or so. I'm putting the expanded equipment system on hold as I want to take the time to really flesh it out for you.

(Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment)
Over the next two weeks, I'll be having our own Overwatch Summer Event. Over the next two weeks, we'll have Overwatch themed content for Dungeons & Dragons 5e, starting tomorrow with The Death Knight. Going forward during this theme "event" you can expect a number of subclasses and new items to come out that are inspired by the characters in Overwatch, but you don't to play the game to appreciate them. Thanks for your patience, and happy gaming everyone!